Wednesday, May 14, 2014
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Pre-Forum Workshop for Utility and Government Attendees Only
Co-Chairs: Dave Ashuckian,
California Energy Commission and
Paul Reid, Azusa
Light & Water
Informal discussion on "hot topics" to
- Title 24-2013 Energy Efficiency Standards
- Proposition 39: Clean Energy Jobs Act (Prop
39) throughout California's School
- AB 1103: Nonresidential Building Energy Use
Disclosure Program
- Zero Net Energy Buildings
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Lunch Buffet
1:00 pm - 1:15 pm Welcoming
Medeiros McEnroe, Silicon Valley Power and
Utility Energy Forum President
1:15 pm - 2:00 pm
Opening Keynote
Mark A. Gabriel, Administrator, Western Area
Power Administration
Mark Gabriel was selected to be the
Administrator of Western Area Power
Administration in April 2013. He is responsible
for managing the non-profit federal agency,
which delivers power from 57 power plants
operated by the Bureau of Reclamation, the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers and the International
and Water Commission to the western region of
the United States. Gabriel has more than two
decades of leadership experience in the electric
sector and was most recently the Chief Executive
Officer and President of Power Pundits LLC in
Conifer, Colo., a management consulting firm
specializing in the energy industry.
Previously, Gabriel was the Senior Vice
President for Black and Veatch Management
Consulting, developing industry solutions in the
areas of electricity, water, oil and gas and
cyber security. He is a well-known speaker and
writer and his book, Visions for a Sustainable
Energy Future, won the 2009 Indie Excellence
Book Award for Environmental Writing.
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Policy/Strategic View
Session Chair: Bruce Ceniceros,
Sacramento Municipal Utility District
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm Refreshment Break with Energy Quiz
hosted by Efficiency Services Group
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Policy/Strategic View
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Co-Chairs: Dennis Guido, Staples & Associates
and Ed Thomas, Utility Energy Forum
Every organization
represented in the Expo area will have up to
minutes for a mini-presentation
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Networking Reception
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Dinner
hosted by RHA
Networking Around the
Thursday, May 15, 2014
7:30 am - 8:30 am
8:30 am - 10:00 am Customer
Session Co-Chairs: Vanessa Lara,
Merced Irrigation District
10:00 am - 10:30 am Refreshment Break with Energy Quiz
hosted by Efficiency Services Group
10:30 am - 12:00 pm Customer View (continued)
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Midpoint Keynote Presentation
Using Data Analytics to Accelerate Energy
Dian M. Grueneich, Founder and
Principal, Dian Grueneich Consulting
Dian Grueneich will leverage her 30+ years of
experience in championing energy efficiency to
provide candid insight into the promise and
challenges of embracing analytics as the next
frontier in driving commercial energy savings.
Several leading companies are bringing
together capabilities such as advanced data
analytics, building science and cloud-based SaaS
deployments to create platforms that can rapidly
accelerate the way that energy
efficiency opportunities are identified,
prioritized, and delivered upon. Compared to
traditional on-site and manual approaches, such
new platforms are already beginning to
transform commercial efficiency
programs, providing 50-75% percent improvements
in technical analysis costs and time-to-action.
However, while the breakthroughs in technology
and customer delivery are numerous, the new
approaches are not yet widely understood.
Dian Grueneich is a nationally and
internationally recognized energy expert, with
35 years' experience. Dian served as a
Commissioner on
the California Public Utilities Commission from
2005-2010 and led its efforts on energy
efficiency, developing the California Long-Term
Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan and overseeing
a 40% expansion of California's energy
efficiency funding. Dian's professional
recognitions include the American Council for an
Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) 30th
Anniversary Award for outstanding contribution
in the field of energy efficiency, the National
Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners'
Clean Energy Award, eeGlobal Forum-s first "Visionary Award" for energy leadership, and
ACEEE's National Champion of Energy Efficiency
Award. Dian currently serves on the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE) Electricity Advisory
Committee, the DOE-EPA State Energy Efficiency
Action Plan Leadership Group, the Leadership
Council of the China-U.S. Energy Efficiency
Alliance, the Advisory Council of Stanford
University's Precourt Energy Institute, the
Global Cool Cities Alliance, and the Advanced
Energy Economy Advisory Board. Dian also serves
as a Clean Energy Education & Empowerment U.S.
Ambassador. Dian is a graduate of Stanford
University and holds a J.D. from Georgetown
Energy Quiz
hosted by Efficiency Services Group
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Program Snapshots
Chair: Kevin Palmer, Riverside
Public Utilities
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm "Trashion" Show from
Truckee High School
Envirolution Club
The "Trashion Show" will feature
outfits made of recycled materials and modeled
by Truckee High School students; each outfit
with a sustainability theme and an accompanying
narrative. The Truckee Donner PUD sponsors
these shows and has distributed energy and water
saving measures to almost every elementary and
middle school child in its territory (2014
Trashion Shows will feature LED A19 lamps as the
handout). [click below to view
the TDPUD promotional video created by students]
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Utility
Program Stand-Up Challenge with Ice Cream Social
Co-Chairs: Bob Hondeville, Modesto Irrigation
District and
Leif Christiansen, Pacific Gas & Electric
Join us for the
craziest round of concurrent sessions ever!
Imagine speed dating meets the lightning round
of a TV game show! You choose from storyboards
detailing utility-sponsored energy program initiatives. Each storyboard presenter has 5
minutes to share with you the program's goals,
successes and lessons learned. A bell rings, you
choose another storyboard, and the 5-minute
clock starts again.
Topics will include:
- Integrated Residential Energy Efficiency and
Demand Response Program,
Terry Shire, EcoFactor.
Hear about a case study on the successful
deployment of an integrated residential energy
efficiency and demand response program.
By combining both DR and EE into a one
integrated program, the utility was able to see
significant energy savings with greater consumer
comfort. Discussion will include key learnings
from approach to outcomes.
Homeowners to Complete Home Energy Upgrades,
Berman, Davis Energy Group.
Motivating homeowners
to complete home energy upgrades is particularly
challenging. Since 2011, Davis Energy Group has
been testing a variety of approaches to program
administration, contractor selection, marketing
& outreach, sales, and standardized package
design � with over 200 retrofits completed.
Learn what works, and what doesn't.
Electric's Right Size HVAC Program,
Gillham, City of Roseville Electric.
Roseville Electric's Right Size HVAC Program
saves energy and money by encouraging the
correct-sizing of residential HVAC systems. The
program also creates the need for smaller
equipment by increasing the attic insulation of
the home participating in the program.
Successes of a Trade Ally Driven Design,
Baer, Staples & Associates.
This discussion will highlight key
steps taken to help the Wisconsin Focus on
Energy Small Business Program exceed
expectations. It will also discuss lessons
learned in program design, Trade Ally motivators
and potential program pitfalls. Caution: this
program model is not for all programs, find out
Effects of Increasing Use of Solid State
Lighting with Lighting Controls,
Kirkham and Lindsay
M. Steele, Pacific Northwest National
Discover the net effect of types of
lighting power loads have on the power system
itself, in terms of billing, power quality, and
even grid stability. Learn the results of a
study of power system impacts of varying
penetration levels of lighting and dimming
controls are presented. The interest is driven
by the growth predicted for solid-state lighting
and the concomitant increase in dimming controls
relative to the current installed base.
Potential effects caused by the rapid switching
in the dimmers and the LEDs are examined.
This study was jointly funded by Silicon Valley
Power and the American Public Power Association
(APPA) DEED Grant program
beyond Better than Code: New Strategies in Net
Zero Program Design for California Residential
New Construction Programs,
Hartkopf, TRC Energy Services.
Learn about a Statewide initiative of
the the California Investor-Owned Utility's to
jointly design an innovative, first
in-the-nation single- and multi-family program
aligned with the State's ZNE goals.
Evaluability Assessment as a Tool to Reduce
Evaluation Risk,
Mahone, TRC Energy Services.
Learn about the evaluability assessment
performed for a residential program on behalf of
Consumers Energy in Michigan, including: early
review of program documents to ensure that
adequate data is collected to support savings
claims and facilitate impact evaluation; early
review of program processes and requirements to
identify ways to increase attribution;
engineering review of software tools and other
engineering estimates for accuracy and
applicability; reviews of program databases and
program prescriptive applications to determine
whether estimates have been interpreted and
applied reasonably; and early reviews of program
custom applications.
- Platform for Energy Efficiency Schools Program, Jeff
Rouser, Planet Ecosystems. Hear about a
case study of a very successful energy
efficiency schools program sponsored by Marin
Clean Energy, the first community choice
aggregator in California that provides
affordable clean energy in Marin
County and Richmond. Learn about how program
staff work with grade school staff/teachers to
help young students learn about energy
efficiency and renewable energy; the students then
engage their families and neighbors to reduce
their home utility use with the assistance of
web based assessment, planning, and social
engagement tools.
Building Better Lamp Programs:
The California Quality LED Lamp Specification,
Kelly Cunningham, California
Lighting Technology Center, UC Davis.
The Voluntary California Quality LED Lamp
Specification set a new, higher quality standard
for utility-incentivized LED replacement lamps.
To support this measure, the California Lighting
Technology Center at UC Davis created a
comprehensive testing program for commercially
available products and a database for test
results, including electrical and photometric
characteristics. The LED Performance Database
houses all raw and derived data obtained from
multiple sources, allowing for comparison of
measurements taken in CLTC's LED lamp testing
laboratories, at other research or certified
laboratories, and by manufacturers.
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Reception
"Any Port in a Storm"
hosted by Resource Action Programs
Port wine tasting and the classic
rock acoustic guitar stylings and singing of Kip
Yager. Kip Yager, originally from upstate
New York, has been playing solo on his 6 & 12
string acoustic guitars in the Tahoe Basin for
the last 4 years. Previously, he lived in
Colorado for 10 years. His repertoire includes:
Beatles, James Taylor, Cat Stevens, Moody Blues,
CSNY, and a little bit of country, blues and
originals inspired by the Rocky Mountain's
laidback life style. Kip's passion for music is
his way of connecting with the ones who grew up
in the 60's & 70's.
Friday, May 16,
7:30 am - 8:30 am
Breakfast Buffet
8:30 am - 9:00 am Grand Prizes
with Energy Quiz hosted by
Efficiency Services Group
9:00 am - 10:00 am Technology View
Session Co-Chairs: Graham Parker,
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Rob
Penney, Washington State University- Energy
Extension Office
Cooling With Up to 80% Less Energy and No
CFC's! Evap Systems & Controls, Bruce Baccei, Sacramento Municipal
Utility District
Variable Capacity Heat Pumps and Smart
Internet Connected Controls - New technologies
need new M&V, Jack Callahan, Bonneville Power Administration
Next Generation Technologies for DSM
Programs, David Podorson, E Source
- New and Upcoming Gas Food Service
Technologies, Melisa Marks, Southern California
Research and Innovation at the UC Solar
Institute, Ron Durbin,
University of California Advanced Solar
Technologies Institute
Emerging Technologies through a Market
Transformation Lens, Mark Rehley, Northwest Energy Efficiency
CO2 Heat Pumps, Rob Penney, Washington State University- Extension Energy
10:00 am - 10:15 am break
10:15 am - 12 noon Technology View
12:00 noon
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Lunch Buffet
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