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2013 Agenda & Presentations

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Utility Energy Forum Program
Final Program
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Pre-Forum Workshop for Utility and Government Attendees Only
Session Co-Chairs:  Paul Reid, Azusa Light and Water and Mary Medeiros McEnroe, Silicon Valley Power 
Informal discussion on topics to include Social Media and Electric Vehicles

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Lunch Buffet

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Welcoming Remarks
Mary Medeiros McEnroe, Silicon Valley Power and acting Utility Energy Forum, Inc. President

Opening Keynote Presentation
Roadmap to 2020:  Strengthening Customer Relationships with Energy Efficiency Services
Janice Berman - Presentation, Senior Director of Energy Efficiency Strategy, Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Candid discussion of the opportunities and pitfalls in the road ahead to 2020 from her vantage point from years of experience in implementation of electricity and gas energy efficiency programs as well as renewable energy initiatives, including greenhouse gas emissions and peak load reduction as program drivers.Jan Berman

Ms. Berman is responsible for providing strategic leadership of PG&E’s Energy Efficiency portfolio.  Prior to her current position, she held numerous regulatory, financial and operational positions at PG&E, including Director of Customer Generation, Director of Rates and Tariffs, Director of Revenue Requirements, Director of Business Development, and Director of Gas System Operations.  Ms. Berman earned a Bachelors degree in Mathematics from Whitman College, and has a Masters degree in Operations Research from Stanford University and an MBA from the Haas School of Business at U.C. Berkeley.  She joined PG&E in 1987 as an engineer working on the development of new power plants, and quickly became interested in integrating resource planning for power plants, demand-side resources, and transmission and distribution issues. 

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Refreshment Break with Energy Quiz hosted by Efficiency Services Group and Ruralite

3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Policy/Strategic View
Session Co-Chairs: Bruce Ceniceros, Sacramento Municipal Utility District and David Maul

  • Commission Perspective
    Dave Ashuckian - Presentation, Deputy Director for Energy Efficiency, California Energy Commission
  • Industry Advocacy
    Lauren Casentini - Presentation, California Energy Efficiency Industry Council 
  • Water and Energy Nexis
    Dr. Lon House - Presentation, President, Water and Energy Consulting
  • Integrated Demand Side Management
    Lisa Paulo - Presentation, Energy Division, California Public Utilities Commission

4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Expo Snapshots
Session Co-Chairs: Ed Thomas, Utility Energy Forum and Dennis Guido, Staples & Associates
Every organization represented in the Expo area will have up to 3 minutes for a mini-presentation that includes:

  • Background on company and product/service offering
  • Example of an activity where your company partners with a Western U.S. regional utility or government agency
  • Example of an activity where your company partners with a utility or government agency ANYWHERE in the U.S. or the world

5:30 p.m.

5:30 am – 6:30 pm
Reception hosted by Synergy CompaniesRock Bottom Band

6:30 pm –8:00 pm
Dinner, Music and Campfire hosted by RHA
A full-course dinner with wine followed by music from the Rock Bottom Band and a Campfire with s'mores and hot adult beverages.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

7:30 am - 8:30 am
Breakfast Buffet

8:30 am – 10:00 am
Customer View
Session Co-Chairs: Vanessa Lara, Merced Irrigation District and Janis Erickson

  • Commercial Perspective
    Ray Agah - Presentation, Save Mart Supermarkets
  • EECBG in Sacramento: Success Stories and Lessons Learned
    Erik de Kok - Presentation, Ascent Environmental
  • Synergy Contractor/Utility Experience
    David Price - Presentation
  • Bruce's Wholehouse Retrofit
    Bruce Ceniceros - Presentation
  • My Lead Platinum Home
    David Maul - Presentation
  • Whole House Retrofit
    Ed Thomas & Tiger Adolf

10:00 am – 10:30 am
Refreshment Break with Energy Quiz hosted by Efficiency Services Group and Ruralite

10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Customer View (continued)

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Keynote Presentation
Why Don’t Customers Do What I Want Them To, Even if I Talk Really Loud?
William LeBlanc - Presentation, Senior Advisor, E Source

Bill LeBlancWhile technology has long been the focus of efficiency and renewables programs, our coming challenge will be to shift that focus squarely on the customer.  However, customers tend to be irrational, easily distracted, and suspicious creatures. But through better marketing, and using the power of social norms and behavior change science, we can embrace these customer challenges and use them to boost efficiency and renewables success…and have some fun along the way.

Bill LeBlanc is a recognized leader in energy efficiency programs, with particular expertise in program design, marketing, market research, new product development, and strategy. He assists utility clients in understanding their customer markets, providing tools and messages to sway customer demand, and creating overall market strategies. He has been a leader and innovator in energy efficiency and load management throughout his 20 year career, working for PG&E, EPRI, E Source, and consulting firms. 

Energy Quiz hosted by Efficiency Services Group and Ruralite

2:00 pm – 3:30 pm 
Utility Program Snapshots
Session Chairs:  Mary Medeiros McEnroe, Silicon Valley Power and Sabrina Barber, Imperial Irrigation District

  • SMUD’s Advanced Controllable Lighting Program
    Jim Parks - Presentation, SMUD
  • Learning Energy Efficiency Academic Program - Call for Projects
    Sabrina Barber - Presentation, Imperial Irrigation District
  • Low-Income Program
    Francis Thompson - Presentation, Pacific Gas and Electric Company
  • Rapid Audit: Reaching the Hard to Reach
    Mark Riffey - Presentation, Roseville Electric
  • Take Action! A Video Contest Promoting Energy Efficiency
    Monique Hampton - Presentation, Turlock Irrigation District

3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Utility Program Stand-Up Challenge with Ice Cream Social Session
Co-Chairs: Bob Hondeville, Modesto Irrigation District and Elaine Hebert
Join us for the craziest round of concurrent sessions ever! Imagine speed dating meets the lightning round of a TV game show! You choose from storyboards detailing utility-sponsored program initiatives or projects. Each storyboard presenter has 5 minutes to share with you the program’s successes and lessons learned. A bell rings, you choose another storyboard, and the 5-minute clock starts again.

  • Uncovering the Truth About Base Loads - Poster, Lisa Schmidt, High Energy Audits.   Discover the results of the measurement of base loads in 1600 households through EE programs in 7 Bay Area communities  Learn how base loads vary widely from 30W to in excess of 3.5kW, and what's even more surprising, base loads do not correlate strongly to house size or overall energy consumption.  
  • Walking the Home Performance Talk - Poster, Tiger Adolf, Building Performance Institute and Ed Thomas, with David Price, Synergy Companies.  Follow along as new homeowners and whole-house veterans walk the talk.  Hear an Energy Upgrade California adventure involving a 12-year old home with life-threatening energy issues that became a marketing best practice platform for the formation of a "Comfort Club" of like-minded neighbors.
  • Deeper is Cheaper - Poster, Brian Kimball and Josiah Adams, Ecology Action.  Learn how a program has delivered over 370GWh of energy savings in California with 2 to 4.7 times more energy savings per site at up to 30% lower cost to utilities than typical direct install programs.
  • Community Solar: the Next Generation of Green Pricing Programs - Poster, Dan Lieberman, 3Degrees Inc. Introduction to leading utility sponsored programs by SMUD, Xcel Energy and others to allow customers to purchase a share of a renewable system developed in the local community and receive the benefits of the energy that is produced by their share.  These programs give all residents and businesses access to solar even as renters or if they live in houses that have too much shade, for example.
  • San Diego Housing Authority Road Map, Poster,Sophia Hartkopf, TRC (formerly HMG). This storyboard will highlight a recent San Diego Gas and Electric Company sponsored local government partnership program supporting two Public Housing Authorities in San Diego. The outcome is an 'Energy Roadmap' which identifies and prioritizes portfolio operation and upgrade opportunities and equips agency staff with tools and knowledge to implement these improvements over time.
  • How to Reduce Barriers and Enable Homeowners to Complete Energy Retrofits - Poster, Andrew M. Healy, Cake Systems.  Discover results from surveys on homeowner behavior of 1,355 Seattle City Light home energy audits, coupled with theories on consumer buying habits to offer reasons as to why homeowners will or will not complete a retrofit project.  Analyzing survey results has provided insight into many common factors as to why homeowners do or do not complete an energy retrofit project.  Discussion points include consumer confusion, social validation and conspicuous consumption.   
  • Lessons Learned from $24 million in Home Energy Financing - Poster, Craig Ferguson, CRHMFA Homebuyers Fund (CHF).  Often times the availability of financing is what discourages homeowners from making energy efficiency retrofits to their residential properties. Starting in 2010, the CHF Residential Energy Retrofit Program utilized funding from the California Energy Commission to help over 1,050 homeowners make deep energy retrofits. The lessons learned and current challenges of the Program are numerous. We will share what we learned about what works and doesn’t work in the goal towards market transformation, how leveraging the customer outreach of contractors reduces marketing and advertising costs, yet creates challenges as the housing market rebounds. We will talk about the fine balancing of the public-private sector to provide current funding and the need for deeper partnerships with utility providers and other incentive programs.
  • The Multifamily Factor: Information, Automation and Codification in MDUs - Poster, Garth Torvestad, Benningfield Group.  Learn about challenges and eventual successes with deploying new rates, wireless information displays and communicating thermostats in multifamily settings. Discover a unique partnership between SMUD and the CEC that may result in new MF programs and updates to Title 24.  As part of a larger multifamily code PIER project sponsored by the CEC, Benningfield Group is working with SMUD to discover the incremental savings possible by offering a TOU/CPP rate alone, or combined with an information display or a thermostat capable of responding to price changes.
  • Use of EPC's in HVAC Replacement, a Once in a Generation Chance to Reduce Peak Load - Poster, Michael Day, Rockwood Consulting. Discover how use of evaporative pre-coolers during HVAC equipment replacement not only reduces annual kWh and peak KW, it also increases on-peak cooling capacity, allowing smaller units to be installed; influence this summer's crop of replacements or wait over 20 years for the chance to do so again.  

5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Reception hosted by Resource Solutions Group

6:30 pm – 6:45 pm
2nd Annual Stand-Up Challenge Awards Ceremony
Special recognition hosted by Bill LeBlanc, E Source

Kip Yager6:45 pm
Dinner with “Any Port in a Storm” hosted by Staples & Associates
A full-course dinner followed by port wine tasting and the classic rock acoustic guitar stylings and singing of Kip Yager.  Kip Yager, originally from upstate New York, has been playing solo on his 6 & 12 string acoustic guitars in the Tahoe Basin for the last 4 years. Previously, he lived in Colorado for 10 years. His repertoire includes: Beatles, James Taylor, Cat Stevens, Moody Blues, CSNY, and a little bit of country, blues and originals inspired by the Rocky Mountain's laidback life style. Kip's passion for music is his way of connecting with the ones who grew up in the 60's & 70's.

Friday, May 17, 2013

7:30 am - 8:30 am
Breakfast Buffet

8:30 am – 11:00 am
Energy Quiz hosted by Efficiency Services Group and Ruralite

Technology View
Session Chairs: Graham Parker, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Elaine Hebert

  • Bonneville Power Administration Research – Evolving End-uses, and Emerging Energy Efficiency
    Jennifer Williamson - Presentation, Bonneville Power Administration
  • Sharing Objective Assessments of Emerging Technologies
    Rob Penney - Presentation, Washington State University-Energy
  • Super Efficient Clothes Dryers Ready, Set,  . . . . . Set,  . . . . Go!
    Christopher Dymond - Presentation,, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
  • Estimating Reliable Savings from New Technologies in the Northwest
    Nick O'Neil - Presentation, Northwest Power and Conservation Council
  • Energy-Related Sensors and Communicating Power Supplies
    Steven Lanzisera - Presentation, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
  • New Title 24 and SPEED Best Practice Technologies
    Karl Johnson - Presentation, California Institute for Energy & Environment

11:00 pm
Late-Breaking News
This session held in reserve for presentation on an emerging issue

12:00 pm

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Lunch Buffet


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