Focus on 2020 
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Presenter Photos and Profiles (in order of appearance)

Jan Berman   Ashuckian   House   Agah
Roadmap to 2020
Janice Berman
Pacific Gas & Electric
  Commission Perspective
Dave Ashuckian
Calif. Energy Commissio
  Water and Energy Nexis
Dr. Lon House
Water & Energy Consulting
  Commercial Perspective
Ray Agah
Save Mart Supermarkets
de Kok   le Blanc   Thompson   Riffey
EECBG in Sacramento
Erik de Kok
Ascent Environmental
  Why Don't Customers Listen?
William LeBlanc
E Source
  Low-Income Program
Francis Thompson
Pacific Gas & Electric
  Rapid Audit
Mark Riffey
Roseville Electric
Hampton   Dymond   Penney   O'Neil
Take Action!
Monica Hampton
Turlock Irrigation
  Super EE Clothes Dryers
Christopher Dymond
Northwest EE Alliance
  Sharing Objective Assessments
Rob Penney
Washington State Univ.
  Estimating Reliable Savings
Nick O'Neil
Northwest Power Council

Janice Berman, Senior Director of Energy Efficiency Strategy, Pacific Gas and Electric Company.  Janice Berman is the Senior Director of Energy Efficiency Strategy. Ms. Berman is responsible for providing strategic leadership of PG&E’s Energy Efficiency portfolio.  Prior to her current position, Ms. Berman has held numerous regulatory, financial and operational positions at PG&E, including Director of Customer Generation, Director of Rates and Tariffs, Director of Revenue Requirements, Director of Business Development, and Director of Gas System Operations. Ms. Berman earned a Bachelors degree in Mathematics from Whitman College, and has a Masters degree in Operations Research from Stanford University and an MBA from the Haas School of Business at U.C. Berkeley.  She joined PG&E in 1987 as an engineer working on the development of new power plants, and quickly became interested in integrating resource planning for power plants, demand-side resources, and T&D. 

Dave Ashuckian, Deputy Director for Energy Efficiency, California Energy Commission.  Dave Ashuckian is the Director of the California Energy Commission’s Efficiency and Renewable Energy Division.  The Division is responsible for developing energy efficiency standards for Title 24 and Title 20 building and appliance standards as well as compliance and enforcement of those standards and achieving greater energy efficiency in existing buildings.  The Division also is responsible for renewable resource development including providing incentives for renewable facilities, certifying renewable facilities eligible for the RPS, tracking and verification of renewable energy output, and overseeing the RPS for publicly owned utilities.  Prior to this position, Dave worked for the California Public Utilities Commission serving in the Energy Division and as Deputy Director of the Division of Ratepayer Advocates.  Dave’s experience includes ten years at the California Energy Commission serving as Manager of the Electricity and Natural Gas Analysis Office, Advisor to Commissioner Boyd, and Supervising Electric and Alternative Fueled Vehicle Development programs.  Dave is a Registered Professional Engineer in Mechanical Engineering.

Dr. Lon House, President, Water and Energy Consulting.  Dr. House has a Bachelors, two Masters, and a Ph.D. in Engineering and Economics from U.C.Davis. He is a Certified Energy Manager (CEM) and a Certified Sustainable Development Professional (CSDP) with the Association of Energy Engineers.  He taught engineering in Graduate School at U.C. Davis for a number of years and is currently the Co-Director of Hydropower for the U.C Davis Energy Institute.  He worked for the California Energy Commission for five years as a utility planner, and he was the chief utility planner for the California Public Utilities Commission for five years.  In 1990 he went out into the consulting business, starting his own business (Water and Energy Consulting).   He has been the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) energy consultant since 1992, representing 500 water agencies which are responsible for over 90 percent of the water delivered in California. Dr. House also works for the California Public Utilities Commission as an expert witness on transmission issues and is their water-energy expert, and for the California Energy Commission as a researcher.  He is an investment management expert consultant in the water and energy areas for: Gerson Lehrman Group-GLG Scholar Program,  eWork Markets, Price Waterhouse-Vantage Marketplace, Roundtable Group, and Standard & Poor’s–Society of Industrial Leaders. He has been responsible for training and installation of over 25 small hydroelectric facilities in Southeast Asia.  He is a member of the American Water Works Association (AWWA),  American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Sigma Xi- the national Research Honor Society,  and Association of Energy Engineers (AEE)

Ray Agah, Save Mart Supermarkets.   Ray Agah was hired by Save Mart Supermarkets in Jan. of 1999.  Ray moved to the United States when he was 16 years old, he was introduced to the grocery retail business as a bagger with Market Basket in Orange, Texas. He held various positions- stock boy, key carrier, and frozen food manager with Market Basket. He then moved to Houston Texas to work as Assistant Director of Engineering for Rice Food market. He also worked for companies such as WR Grace, Fisher Fazio, SuperValu, and Dominick’s Finer Foods in Chicago. He also earned his Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering. Before coming to Save Mart, Ray held the position of Vice President of Engineering for Amerihost Hotels, designing and building hotels in both the US and abroad.  Ray has designed all of Save Mart’s newest stores. Ray oversees new store construction, building maintenance, and purchasing.  He is a Member of the California Shopping Cart Retrieval Company Board of Directors and a member of FMI Energy and Design Committee.

Erik de Kok, Ascent Environmental.  Erik de Kok is a Senior Planner with Ascent Environmental.  He has over 13 years of planning and project management experience in land use, transportation, and climate and sustainability planning and project implementation.  Prior to joining Ascent, Erik worked in the City of Sacramento’s Long Range Planning division for over 8 years, where he worked extensively on the 2030 General Plan and led the City’s Climate Action Planning efforts.  He also participated in numerous green initiatives in the Sacramento region, including the Sacramento Area Climate Partnership, Solar America Cities, the Sacramento City/County Green Building Task Force, the Greenwise Regional Action Plan, and the Capital Area Plug-In Electric Vehicle Coordinating Council. 

William LeBlanc, Senior Advisor, E Source Mr. LeBlanc is a recognized leader in energy efficiency programs, with particular expertise in program design, marketing, market research, new product development, and strategy. He assists utility clients in understanding their customer markets, providing tools and messages to sway customer demand, and creating overall market strategies. He has been a leader and innovator in energy efficiency and load management throughout his 20 year career, working for PG&E, EPRI, E Source, and consulting firms. In 1990, he founded the Association of Energy Services Professionals, still the industry’s major society. Mr. LeBlanc is known for his creativity and problem-solving ability and is a sought-after public speaker.

Christopher Dymond, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance.  Christopher is a Senior Product Manager for NEEA. In this role, Christopher identifies and evaluates new energy efficiency technologies with potential for significant energy savings.  His principal role is to provide technical support for initiative managers as they advance the use of various energy efficiency initiatives through the market transformation process.  Christopher holds a Master’s degree in building systems engineering from the University of Colorado.  He has over 23 years’ experience in energy efficiency of commercial buildings, residential technologies, policy development and solar power. Prior to joining NEEA he worked for EDF Renewable Energy as manager of emerging technologies where he did system design and due-diligence evaluation for both utility and commercial scale solar power projects.  In his free time he loves outdoor activities, biking and working on his family’s small tree farm near Newport Oregon.

Nick O'Neil, Northwest Power and Conservation Council.  Nick joined the Council in the spring of 2012 to aid with the management of the Regional Technical Forum (RTF) and to provide engineering support for energy efficiency measure development throughout the region. Prior to his work at the Council, Nick served on the RTF as a member for the Energy Trust of Oregon for 3 years, where he worked as a senior planning engineer in charge of providing technical and cost-effectiveness analysis for utility efficiency programs in Oregon. Before entering the field of energy efficiency, Nick worked as a mechanical engineer involved with commercial building energy modeling, HVAC design and construction for several Architectural/Engineering firms throughout the US. He is a registered Professional Engineer with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from SUNY Buffalo.