Utility Energy Forum 2011
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Utility Energy Forum

Agenda & Presentations
Presentations links are found where names are green & underlined.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

9:00 a.m. - 12 noon
Welcome Lounge
Co-Chairs: Rob Penney, WSU Extension Energy Program, and Elaine Hebert, formerly with California Energy Commission
Stop by the hotel front desk area where a Planning Committee member will be on-hand to answer your event questions

10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Pre-Forum Workshop for Utility and Government Attendees Only
(Surf and Sand)
Session Co-Chairs: Mary Medeiros McEnroe, Silicon Valley Power; Paul Reid, Azusa Light and Water; and Kate Schulenberg, Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Candid "roundtable" discussion (rather than presentation) on "hot topics" to include:

  • What’s the next “gateway” to energy efficiency to replace CFLs?
  • How to meet goals with changing lighting and motor standards
  • Complexity of goal-setting

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Opening Lunch
Get lunch ticket from Randy & Kim outside Crocker Hall
(Crocker Dining Hall)

1:00 pm – 1:15 pm
Welcoming Remarks
(Crocker Dining Hall)
Joyce Kinnear, President, Utility Energy Forum, Inc. and Utility Marketing Services Manager, City of Palo Alto Utilities

1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
Welcome Keynote Presentation
(Crocker Dining Hall)
Jeffrey Byron, former Commissioner, California Energy CommissionPicture of Commissioner Byron
Jeffrey Byron, of Los Altos, was appointed to the California Energy Commission by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in June 2006. Commissioner Byron filled the public-at-large position with over 30 years of experience in the electric power industry and over 10 years of service assisting customers in meeting their energy needs.  Prior to his appointment, Commissioner Byron served as president of Byron Consulting Group, developing strategic energy solutions for mid to large-sized firms since 2002. Commissioner Byron served as Co-Chair of the Silicon Valley Leadership Council's Energy Committee and managed an energy efficiency program to reduce energy use and carbon emissions among businesses and other organizations on behalf of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group and Sustainable Silicon Valley. Previously, he developed combined heat and power projects for Calpine C*Power from 2000 to 2001, and was Energy Director for Oracle Corporation from 1996 to 2000. Commissioner Byron served at the Electric Power Research Institute from 1985 to 1995 in a variety of capacities, including commercialization director and executive technical advisor.

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Policy/Strategic View
(Crocker Dining Hall)
Session Chairs: Dave Maul, Maul Energy Advisors, and Beth Chambers, California Energy Commission

  • Panama Bartholomy, Deputy Director, Efficiency and Renewable Energy California Energy Commission
  • Harvey Sachs, Senior Fellow, Buildings Program, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
  • Graham Parker, Pacific Northwest Laboratory
  • Patrick Stoner, Statewide Local Government Energy Efficiency Best Practices Coordinator, Local Government Commission

3:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Refreshment Break
(Merrill Hall)

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Policy/Strategic View of Electric Vehicles
(Merrill Hall)
Session Chair: Joyce Kinnear, City of Palo Alto Utilities

4:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Meet the Sponsors and Exhibitors
(Merrill Hall)

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Networking Reception hosted by Resource Solutions Group
(Merrill Hall)

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Dinner hosted by RHA, Inc.
(Crocker Dining Hall)

7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Bonfire hosted by RHA, Inc.
A cozy, carbon-burning bonfire with adult refreshments
(BBQ Area)

Wine Steward: Climatemaster, Inc.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

7:30 am - 8:30 am
(Crocker Dining Hall)

8:30 am – 9:00 am
Meet the Sponsors and Exhibitors
(Merrill Hall)

9:00 am – 10:00 am
Customer View
(Merrill Hall)
Session Co-Chairs: Sandee Peebles, Western Area Power Administration, and Kate Schulenberg, Pacific Gas and Electric Company

10:00 am – 10:30 am
Refreshment Break

10:30 am – 12 noon
Customer View continues
(Merrill Hall)

12 noon – 1:00 pm
(Crocker Dining Hall)

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
John C RoukemaMidway Keynote Presentation
(Merrill Hall)
John C. Roukema, Director of Silicon Valley Power, the City of Santa Clara's municipal electric utility
John Roukema currently serves on the boards of the Transmission Agency of Northern California, MSR Energy Authority, California Municipal Utilities Association and the CVP Corporation.  Mr. Roukema has served on the APPA DEED Board of Directors and has worked closely with the utility’s commercial and industrial customers for many years.  Previous assignments have included Assistant Director of Customer Service and Marketing, Assistant Director of Transmission and Distribution, and Assistant Director of Resources.  Mr. Roukema joined the City in 1980 as Senior Electric Utility Engineer responsible for the City's substation expansion program, and became Manager of the Power Supply Licensing and Development Division in October 1983.  Before coming to Santa Clara, Mr. Roukema worked for PG&E, where he was a project engineer on the design, construction and start-up of new hydroelectric power plants. 

1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Utility Program Snapshots - Focus on Consumer Behavior Programs
(Merrill Hall)
Session Chairs: Joyce Kinnear, City of Palo Alto Utilities and Ron Horstman, Western Area Power Administration

3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Utility Program Poster Session with Ice Cream Social
(Merrill Hall)
Session Co-Chairs: Scott Terrell, Truckee-Donner Public Utility District and Ron Horstman, Western Area Power Administration
Discover innovative utility-sponsored energy efficiency or renewable energy programs described by the individual who designed and implemented them.  Poster topics will include:

  • Community Impact of Whole House Retrofit Program, Pepper Smith, Program Manager.  Neighborhood- based programs funded by DOE and the California Energy Commission are implementing engineered "whole house" performance packages to reduce energy use in selected neighborhoods. This poster presentation outlines a retrofit case study of one such neighborhood and describes marketing and finance methods that are expected to achieve substantial participation and energy savings.
  • Thermal Energy Storage, John J. Burdette III, Business Development Leader, Comprehensive Energy Solutions, TRANE.  This poster explores how Thermal Energy Storage will play a huge role with the continued use of renewable energy such as wind and solar PV.
  • Who are Certified  Home Performance Contractors?  Tiger Adolf, Director - Western Region, Building Performance Institute.  Learn who makes up the contractor workforce that utilities and government are trying to recruit for whole-house and other residential energy efficiency programs. Take an in-depth look at the survey results from over 2,000 BPI test candidates to learn more about the workforce. Job Resources | Affiliates that Service CA
  • The Energy Performance Score. David Heslam, EPS Program Manager, Earth Advantage Institute.  EPS is a building asset rating for homes that is affordable to integrate within energy efficiency programs. Learn how EPS)is being used in 7 residential energy efficiency programs in Washington state alone, and how it will be incorporated into programs in Massachusetts, Virginia, and Alabama.  The EPS software that creates EPS Scores is based on Michael Blasnik's energy modeling algorithms known as SIMPLE. SIMPLE allows for a faster audits, but does a great job of modeling a home's actual energy use.
  • Energy Scene Investigator, Brady Fronk, student volunteer working with Western Area Power Administration.  Learn how to deputize students or youth groups to identify energy and water losses, and make small changes that help homeowners lower utility bills. Energy Scene Investigators also collect valuable information about residential energy use that utilities can use to build stronger customer service programs. This project has the potential to raise kids' awareness about energy efficiency, give schools and churches a public service project, help seniors and low-income families and improve customer relationships.
  • The Journey to Zero.  Ron Horstman, Western Area Power Administration.  New construction isn't the only path to net-zero energy use. Follow this roadmap to discover how one homeowner turned his energy-hog house into an energy producer.  Existing buildings represent the customer's and the utility's greatest opportunity for saving energy. This poster is a great illustration of the right approach.
  • Educating Homeowners About a Whole House Approach, David Munk, Senior Program Consultant, and Regina Marston, Senior Program Developer, Resource Action Programs.  The "whole house" energy upgrade concept encourages residents to look at their house as a comprehensive system rather than focusing on individual elements.  This concept is new to residential customers and there is a great need to educate customers.  This poster will describe how HomeWise provides utilities, commissions, state and local agencies and other key stakeholders a program that will educate customers about their house as a system, provide basic self-install energy efficiency measures, direct them to take the utility or program-based online survey and direct them to contractor resources that can perform energy audits and install energy upgrades. The program tracks the activities of each customer through surveys and online data collection and provides a Program Summary Report for EM&V.
  • What Can Utilities Learn From 2,900 Lighting Demos?, Kelly Cunningham, Outreach Director for the California Lighting Technology Center Learn about the more than 2,900 lighting demonstrations installed at over 100 college, state, and federal sites throughout California as a result of the California Lighting Technology Center’s (CLTC) PIER SPEED Program.  Savings from these demonstrations equal more than 4.6 million kWh and 3.9 million pounds of CO2, or $600,000 total energy cost.  Hear about the dozens of technologies that have been commercialized, and products and best practices that have been proven to reduce the energy used for lighting in real-world environments.  Discover how CLTC helps bridge the gap between lab and marketplace through the PIER SPEED Program. 
  • Helping Commercial Customers Make Green Energy Choices, Rick Brown, Ph.D., President, TerraVerde Renewable Partners.  Commercial customers still have difficulty sorting through all of the incentives and programs for going green, particularly local governments such as school districts. Using solar DG as a case example, this session will review successful strategies for educating public sector executives and governing bodies on green energy choices.
  • Looking for Energy Savings in Data CentersMichael Drury, Regional Marketing Director, Nexant Inc. and Safdar Chaudry, PhD., Sacramento Office Head, Nexant Inc. Based on its collaborative work with the Intel Data Center organization, Nexant shares its approach to simplifying the identification of energy savings in Data Centers.  This session will enable utilities to replicate the approach within programs of their own, and to address smaller Data Center projects cost effectively.  Energy use by Data Centers is thought to be one of the fastest growing energy uses in the U.S., doubling every five years. According to the US EPA 2007 report to Congress, 38% of data center energy use in the US comes from enterprise-class data centers of greater than 5,000 square feet.  The remaining 62% is used in smaller data centers, which means that these smaller data centers offer the largest overall chance for energy savings in this industry.  This poster session shows the work with Intel which has led to a simple approach to finding savings in what has been regarded as a "hard-to-reach" market, which combines I.T and building facilities savings.
  • Online Customer Engagement that Actually Works, Aaron Goldfeder, President, EnergySavvy.com. It's easy to talk about user-friendly websites that engage customers, but it's difficult in-practice to achieve real measurable success. This poster demonstrates the 50% conversion-rate funnel of a high performing energy efficiency program website. The poster outlines the flow of 3,000 unique visitors through drop-off points as well as primary and secondary conversion points.  
  • Customers, Utilities and Contractors: It takes the Entire Village to Raise the Most Savings, Dennis Guido, Vice President, Staples & Associates.  Hear real-world examples of how using a comprehensive approach has led to increased energy efficiency for residential customers and business owners and improved energy savings for the utilities.
  • Make Your Program Count - Preparing Programs for Evaluation, Sophia Hartkopf, Associate Project Manager for Cynthia M. Austin, Senior Project Manager Program evaluation is a resource-intense activity that can provide program managers with a great deal of information about how well their programs are operating. Unfortunately it is not uncommon for an evaluator to discover after an evaluation is underway that the program is not ready for it. A program may not be fully operational, for example, or may not be able to handle the data collection requirements of an evaluation. Determining whether a program is ready for an evaluation prior to beginning it can help ensure that precious evaluation resources are used at the most appropriate time.

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Networking Reception hosted by Resource Action Programs
(Merrill Hall)

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Dinner hosted by Staples Energy Marketing & Services
(Crocker Dining Hall)

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
"Any Port in a Storm" hosted by Staples Energy Marketing & Services
Port Wine Tasting
(Surf and Sand)

Wine Steward: Climatemaster, Inc.

Friday, May 6, 2011

7:30 am - 8:30 am
(Crocker Dining Hall)

8:30 am – 10:00 am
Emerging Technologies View
(Merrill Hall)
Session Chair:  Elaine Hebert, formerly with California Energy Commission; and Rob Penney, WSU Extension Energy Program

10:00 am – 10:30 am
Refreshment Break
(Merrill Hall)

10:30 am – 11:30 am
Emerging Technologies View continues
(Merrill Hall)

11:30 am
Late-Breaking News:  Energy Upgrade California Update
Beth Chambers for Panama Bartholomy, Deputy Director, Efficiency and Renewable Energy California Energy Commission
(Merrill Hall) - Cancelled

12:00 pm
(Merrill Hall)

Lunch - On Your Own
Or you can purchase a ticket when you check in at registration for $10 to eat Lunch at Asilomar.


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