Agenda & Presentations
When a speaker's name is colored and
underlined, that is link to their presentation.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Pre-Forum Workshop for Utility and Government Attendees Only: Public-Private Utilities: Common Challenges
Session Co-Chairs: Mary Medeiros McEnroe, Silicon Valley Power;
Paul Reid, Azusa Light and Water; and
Kate Schulenberg, Pacific Gas and Electric Company Candid "roundtable" discussion (rather than presentation) on topics
to include:
- Home performance and home ratings deployment
- Evaluation, measurement and verification
- Integrating low and moderate income
Maril Pitcock, Pacific Gas and Electric Company
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch Buffet
1:00 pm
- 1:15 pm
Welcoming Remarks
Joyce Kinnear, President, Utility Energy Forum, Inc. and Utility
Marketing Services Manager, City of
Palo Alto Utilities
1:15 pm -
2:00 pm Welcome Keynote Presentation
Ed Pollock,
Team Leader, Residential Building Research, U.S. Department of
Pollock has over forty years of experience researching energy use in
buildings. He currently is the Team Leader for the Residential
Buildings Research Team in the Office of Building Technologies
(OBT). The research focuses on improving the energy
performance of individual building components including walls,
windows, lighting, heating and cooling systems and the other
equipment use in buildings as well as the integration of these
components so as to produce the most efficient residential and
commercial buildings and the effective use of renewable energy
systems to supplement the building the energy needs.
residential research program, known as Building America, applies a
systems engineering approach to select the most cost effective
combination of energy savings strategies for homes in each climate
zone in the U.S. The ultimate goal is to develop homes that
produce as much energy as they use at a cost point where the
incremental cost of financing the energy efficiency improvements
will be equal to or less than the cost of the energy saved
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Policy/Strategic View
Session Chairs: Dave Maul, Maul Energy Advisors, and Randy
Manion, Western Area Power Administration Panelists:
- Dave Hawkins, California Independent System Operator
- Dave Modisette, Executive Director, California
Municipal Utilities Association
- Paul Bony, Climatemaster
- Dave Hurlbut, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Maril Pitcock, Pacific Gas and Electric Company on
Stimulus-related activities
- Jim Parks, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, on Smart
- Ron Horstman, Western Area Power Administration on
Energy Planning in the Next Decade
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Refreshment Break
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Policy/Strategic View continues
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Meet the Sponsors and Exhibitors
5:00 pm Adjourn
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Cinco de Mayo Reception
hosted by Climatemaster water source heat pumps
6:30 pm Dinner
with Entertainment hosted by RHA, Inc.
A full-course dinner followed by
light musical entertainment from a piano with sax/flute/clarinet duo
led by Tom Delaney Tom Delaney's career began in and around New York City,
playing clubs and concerts with the likes of the Platters, the
Temptations and the Coasters while still a teenager. He later
graduated from Berklee College of Music in Boston with a degree in
music arranging/composition. Tom has also played with Stevie Wonder,
David Clayton Thomas, Hoyt Axton and Toots Thielmans, among others,
and was a featured soloist with the Buddy Rich big band. As a member
of various Reno-Tahoe hotel-casino house orchestras, Tom has played
with stars such as Linda Rondstadt, Ray Charles, Natalie Cole, Sammy
Davis and Mel Torme. Tom was chairman of the music department at
Sierra Nevada College, and his own big band was the house orchestra
in the Headliner Room of the North Tahoe Cal-Neva hotel-casino.Thursday, May 6, 2010
7:30 am - 8:30 am
Breakfast Buffet
8:30 am - 9:00 am
Meet the Sponsors and Exhibitors
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Customer View
Session Chairs: Janis Erickson,
Sacramento Municipal Utility District, and Sandee Peebles, Western
Area Power Administration Panelists:
10:00 am - 10:30 am
Refreshment Break
10:30 am - 12 noon
Customer View continues
12 noon - 1:00 pm
Lunch Buffet
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Keynote - California Statewide Appliance Rebate Program
Lorraine White, Senior Energy Specialist, California Energy
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Utility Program Snapshots
Session Chairs: Dave Reynolds, Northern California
Power Agency, and Joyce Kinnear, City of Pal Alto Utilities Panelists:
- Paul Reid, Azusa Light and Water on LED backlit
televisions and computer monitors
- Jennifer Eskil, Bonneville Power Administration
John Hargrove, NV Energy on new/innovative Nevada Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy Programs
- Martin Bailey, Roseville (Calif.) Electric on AB811
Efficiency Loan Programs
� pros and cons of
Roseville�s loan program, how the
county-wide program will work, and what
Roseville has had to
do to meet the county�s criteria
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Utility Program Poster Session with Ice Cream Social
Session Chair: Scott Terrell, Truckee Donner Public
Utility District Discover innovative utility-sponsored energy efficiency or renewable
energy programs described by the individual who designed and
implemented them.
- Video Game Consoles: An Energy Heist?
Brady Fronk, Western Area Power Administration
Video game consoles are in more than 40 percent of all
homes in the United States, and they consume an estimated 16
billion kilowatt-hours annually. This investigation looks at how
these little Energy Hogs drive up residential electric bills,
and how to keep the cost of playing under control.
- Super Lamp Initiative
Kelly Cunningham, California Lighting Technology Center, UC
Davis The Super Lamp initiative is a collaborative effort among
California utilities, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and
California Lighting Technology Center to meet California's goal
of reducing residential lighting consumption to 50% of 2007
levels by 2018. The strategy is to develop high-efficacy light
sources that achieve interchangeability with incandescent
lighting. The draft of the performance specification of what
could be the next generation of medium screw-based lamps.
Customer-Sited Generation in California:
Markets and Lessons Learned
Jennifer Barnes, Navigant Consulting
Key findings from a market characterization study on
customer-sited wind and fuel cell systems for California�s
Self-Generation Incentive Program. The market characterization
includes a review of market potential and barriers, and federal,
state and local policies that affect the market for and
availability of customer-sited generation including feed-in
tariffs and city and county zoning ordinances. The
characterization also explores successful and unsuccessful
project characteristics.
- Addressing the Multifamily Buildings Market
through Whole-Building Programs
Julieann Summerford, Heschong Mahone Group Whole-building multifamily programs continue to fall through
program portfolio cracks. One-third of Californian�s live
in multifamily buildings (which house most low-income tenants),
but funds focus on single-family homeowners. This presentation
will report on market demand, a successful third-party program
model (Southern California Gas Company and Southern California
Edison), and case studies of a whole-building multifamily
- NV Energy's RenewableGenerations: Solar, Wind and Hydro
Incentive Program
Larry Burton, NV Energy RenewableGenerations
Learn how RenewableGenerations started quietly in 2004 as a
solar PV demonstration program. With participation hitting
record levels, the solar program was made a permanent program
and demonstration small wind and water power incentive programs
were added. With participation reaching record levels in 2009,
the marriage of incentive, stimulus funds along with approval of
third party ownership will sharply increase participate in the
public building and school sectors across the State.
- Integrated Data Management for Utility DSM and Renewables
P. S. (Vish) Vishwanath, Paragon Consulting Services
Learn how implementing an integrated approach to managing
the DSM and renewables program data will provide a powerful
platform for utilities to not only get full value for their
investment, but also enable them to cost effectively manage
their complete portfolio of programs. This paper will discuss
how this approach can be implemented to achieve the above
benefits and will present data from a real case with NV Energy
highlighting the significant results delivered by such a
- Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Energy Watch Small
Business Program
Kate Schulenberg, Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Nathan Baer, Staples Energy Marketing & Services
This poster will address the challenges of an evolving
successful efficiency program. Staples Energy has been an
implementer to Pacific Gas and Electric Company�s Energy Watch
Small Business program since its inception. Over the years,
pressure to increase the current no-cost program's cost
effectiveness has led to the need for the customer to
participate financially in the process. Learn how the program
was redesigned to implement simple, easy to understand messages
combined with an informed savings process to drive customer
- SMUD's Home Performance with ENERGY STAR� Program
Janis Erickson, Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Discover how a California municipal utilities is
transforming its existing home energy efficiency programs to
take a more comprehensive, performance-based "whole house"
approach. The program leverages the experiences of home
performance programs sponsored by utilities and other
organizations in over 23 states nationwide.
- What the new Energy Management Standard will mean for You
and Your Customer�s Facilities
Rich Lauman, Ecos
Properly implemented, Energy Management and the new ISO standard
will address organizational barriers by creating the system that
enables the organization to get on the same page and then make
continual progress to a more energy efficient facility.
Implementing ISO 50001 has the potential to achieve major,
long-term increases in energy efficiency � 20% or more in
industrial facilities.
Southern California Gas Company�s On-Demand
Efficiency Program
Lynn Benningfield, Benningfield Group
Southern California Gas's On-Demand Efficiency (ODE) proves that
single-measure focused programs are a productive part of utility
portfolios. ODE facilitates installation of demand control pumps
in multifamily buildings with central boilers and will deliver
more than 1.2 million therms and 240,000 kWh by 2012. The
program level benefit cost ratio is over 2.0 using
California�s TRC test.
How Do Projected Energy Savings in New
Communities Mesh with Reality?
David Springer
& Christine Backman, Davis Energy Group
Performance-based incentives rely on reasonably accurate
modeling of energy savings. Are homes earning Tier 2
incentives realizing the projected savings? Under work
co-sponsored by PG&E and the Building America program, computer
modeling results for a near zero energy community in Rocklin are
compared to billing data. This poster addresses the
challenges associated with identifying actual savings and the
effects of customer behavior on whole house energy use.
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
pm Dinner with �Any Port in a Storm� hosted
by Staples Energy Marketing & Services A full-course dinner followed by
port wine tasting and the classic rock acoustic guitar stylings and
singing of Kip Yager
Kip Yager, originally from upstate New York,
has been playing solo on his 6 & 12 string acoustic guitars in
the Tahoe Basin for the last 2 years. Previously, he lived in
Colorado for 10 years, playing venues along the Front Range and
the Western slopes at many of the ski resorts. His repertoire
includes: Beatles, James Taylor, Cat Stevens, Moody Blues, CSNY,
and a little bit of country, blues and originals inspired by the
Rocky Mountains laidback life style. Kip's passion for music is
his way of connecting with the ones who grew up in the 60's &
70's. Kip has touched many souls through his music and hopes you
will enjoy it also. Peace & Love.
Friday, May 7, 2010
7:30 am - 8:30 am
Breakfast Buffet
8:30 am - 10:00 am
Technologies Session Chair: Elaine Hebert, California Energy Commission, and Rob Penney, WSU
Extension Energy Program Panelists:
10:00 am - 10:30 am
Refreshment Break
10:30 am - 11:30 pm Emerging Technologies
11:30 pm
Late-Breaking News
This spot on the agenda is reserved for emerging issues related to
federal initiatives such as the American Recovery and Reinvestment
12:30 pm
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Lunch Buffet
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