Sponsor Opportunities
Green Level Forum Sponsor: $3,000
- Up to 3 attendee registrations with historic room
- One exhibit space
- Organization name listed in top-tier on UEF web site with
logo and web link
- Your literature or item in the registration packet
Gold Level Forum Sponsor: $1,500
- Up to 2 attendee registrations with historic room
- Organization name listed in second tier on UEF web site with
logo and web link
- Your literature or item in the registration packet
Dinner Host: (0 available)
- $4,000
- Up to 3 industry ally attendee registrations
with room accommodations
- One exhibit space
- Exclusive opportunity to provide branded
items during event (napkins, cups, etc.)
- Logo on stage display
Reception, Wine Steward, & Ice Cream Social Host
(2 available) -- $3,000
- Up to 2 industry ally attendee registrations
with room accommodations
- One exhibit space
- Exclusive opportunity to provide branded
items during event (napkins, cups, etc.)
- Logo on stage display
Online Sponsor Reservation
Become a Utility Energy Forum Sponsor Today!
Green Sponsors
Best Buy With
operations in the United States, Canada, Europe, China, Mexico and
Turkey, Best Buy is a multinational retailer of technology and
entertainment products and services with a commitment to growth and
innovation. The Best Buy family of brands and partnerships
collectively generates more than $49 billion in annual revenue and
includes brands such as Best Buy; Best Buy Mobile; Audiovisions; The
Carphone Warehouse; Future Shop; Geek Squad, Jiangsu Five Star;
Magnolia Audio Video; Napster; Pacific Sales; and The Phone House.
Approximately 180,000 employees apply their talents to help bring
the benefits of these brands to life for customers through retail
locations, multiple call centers and Web sites, in-home solutions,
product delivery and activities in our communities. Community
partnership is central to the way we do business at Best Buy. In
fiscal 2010, we donated a combined $25.2 million to improve the
vitality of the communities where our employees and customers live
and work. For more information about Best Buy, visit
www.bby.com and follow @BBYNews
on Twitter.
California Energy Commission
is the state's primary energy policy and planning
agency. Created by the Legislature in 1974 and located in
Sacramento, the Commission responsibilities include: Forecasting
future energy needs and keeping historical energy data; Licensing
thermal power plants 50 megawatts or larger; Promoting energy
efficiency by setting the state's appliance and building efficiency
standards and working with local government to enforce those
standards; Supporting public interest energy research that advances
energy science and technology through research, development, and
demonstration programs; Supporting renewable energy by providing
market support to existing, new, and emerging renewable
technologies; providing incentives for small wind and fuel cell
electricity systems; and providing incentives for solar electricity
systems in new home construction; Implementing the state's
Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program; and
Planning for and directing state response to energy emergencies.
Gas and Electric Company is one of the largest combination
natural gas and electric utilities in the United States. The
company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation, serves approximately 15
million people in northern and central California. Pacific Gas and
Electric Company is committed to the environment, from clean-air
vehicles to the redwood forests.
Resource Action Programs®
(RAP) designs and implements community programs to reduce
residential water and energy use. RAP programs combine unique
participant-driven educational materials, kits of high efficiency
products and comprehensive implementation services that include data
tracking for municipalities, utilities, government agencies, and
community action agencies. Participants are equipped with the tools
and products to enact the lessons learned making our approach to
education truly ‘hands-on’ for a larger, longer lasting impact.
Area Power Administration markets and delivers reliable,
cost-based hydroelectric power and related services within a
15-state region of the central and western U.S. We're one of four
power marketing administrations within the U.S. Department of Energy
whose role is to market and transmit electricity from multi-use
water projects. Our transmission system carries electricity from 57
power plants operated by the Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers and the International Boundary and Water Commission.
Together, these plants have an installed capacity of 10,395
Gold Sponsors
Building Performance Institute, Inc.
(BPI) is a recognized
global leader, supporting the development of a highly professional
building performance industry through individual and organizational
credentialing and a rigorous quality assurance program. BPI works
with building performance industry stakeholders to ensure that the
professional bar for excellence in building performance contracting
is established and maintained by creating and regularly updating
technical requirements through an open, transparent, consensus-based
development process.
of Palo Alto Utilities (CPAU) is the only municipal utility in
California that operates city-owned utility services that include
electric, fiber optic, natural gas, water and wastewater services.
Since 1896, CPAU has been providing quality services to the citizens
and businesses of Palo Alto.
Electric & Gas
Industries Association (EGIA) is a non-profit organization
that serves over 3,000 installation contractors, regional
distributors, product manufacturers and other trade allies
delivering energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions to
millions of homes and businesses. EGIA also delivers services on
behalf of electric, gas, water utilities and municipalities,
including financing, rebate program administration and rebate
processing; contractor network management, training and
certification; and sales channel development and support. EGIA has
facilitated the financing of over 50,000 residential and business
projects valued in excess of $800 million, and has administered over
$300 million in rebate payments.
National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) is a
nonprofit public-interest organization that provides energy rating
information on windows, doors, skylights and curtain walls systems. In
addition to publishing consensus standards for determining fenestration
NFRC also administers an independent certification and labeling program to
assure product performance.
Northern California
Power Agency (NCPA) is a joint powers agency that provides
support for the electric utility operations of our 17 member
communities and districts in Northern and Central California. We own
and operate several power plants that together comprise a 96%
emission-free generation portfolio. NCPA was founded in 1968 as a
forum through which community-owned utilities could prevent costly
market abuses employed by private utilities at that time, and to
make investments to ensure an affordable, reliable and clean future
energy supply for the electric ratepayers we serve.
Municipal Utility District was founded with the idea that
providing electric power to Sacramento was a job best done by a
public utility overseen by an elected board of directors. As the
sixth largest publicly owned utility in the country in terms of
customers served, our innovative energy programs are known
throughout the state, nation and world. SMUD's purpose is to provide
solutions for meeting our customers' electrical energy needs. SMUD’s
vision is to empower our customers with solutions and options that
increase energy efficiency, protect the environment, reduce global
warming, and lower the cost to serve our region.
Valley Power works hard to help its customers reach their goals
and enjoy brighter lives. We follow a basic set of principles that
have served as our core values for over one hundred years: Service,
Stability, Reliability and Quality. Today, the people in our
organization embody these values, embrace them, and bring them to
life. And they're what make Silicon Valley Power Your Hometown
Hospitality Hosts
ClimateMaster is the leading manufacturer of water source heat pumps
and geothermal heat pumps for commercial, industrial and residential
applications, which are considered to be the most energy efficient and
environmentally friendly type of air conditioning and heating products
available on the market today. ClimateMaster GeoThermal Heat Pumps has been
and remains the best total space conditioning alternative using a renewable
energy resource for good demand side management.
Solutions Group is a results-oriented environmental consulting
firm that specializes in the design, management, and implementation
of programs that promote resource efficiency to a wide variety of
market sectors across the country, with an emphasis on energy, water
efficiency and renewable energy.
Heath and Associates, Inc,
has over 30 years experience managing
comprehensive energy efficiency and demand side
management projects in both commercial and
residential markets usually operating in the
most difficult and hardest to reach customer
segments (Residential, Small/Medium Commercial
and Industrial, Low Income).
Staples & Associates, Inc.
conducts the
direct installation of energy efficiency
measures including lighting and water
conservation equipment, energy audits and
weatherization for residential, small and medium
commercial buildings including efficient and
environmentally sensitive Golf Course design,
through our Golf Resource Group. Staples &
Associates also specializes in developing and
implementing customized marketing and education
programs in the fields of energy and
environmental awareness.
Promotional Partners
Comfort, Inc. (ACI) convenes thought leaders in home energy
efficiency to provide cutting-edge events focused on home
performance, green building, and “house-as-a-system” training for
building trades, housing groups, and program professionals. ACI’s
vision is that every family has a home that is energy efficient,
durable, comfortable, affordable, healthy, and safe.
California Energy Efficiency Industry Council (Efficiency
Council) is an industry trade group representing non-utility
companies that provide energy efficiency services and products in
California. Our 50 member companies employ thousands of people
supporting the efficient use of energy in California and throughout
the world. We represent a wealth of knowledge, experience and
dedication focused on improving our energy efficiency infrastructure
and our environment. The Efficiency Council aims to support
appropriate energy efficiency policies, programs, and technologies
that create sustainable jobs and foster long-term economic growth,
stable and reasonably priced energy infrastructures, and
environmental improvement.
Energy &
Environmental Building Alliance (EEBA)
provides an invaluable platform for insight,
collaboration and education. EEBA delivers
unique and relevant, multi-platform educational
resources with the intention to manifest
sustainable and responsible building principles
in the design, marketing and execution of the
building process. EEBA is having their
Excellence in Building Conference and Expo,
September 14-16, 2011 in Las Vegas. They
also operate the
Houses that Work program that educates
builders and building professionals all over the
Energy magazine’s mission is to disseminate objective and
practical information on residential energy efficiency, performance,
comfort, and affordability. It is the only magazine that thoroughly
covers residential comfort issues from the only approach that really
works, systems engineering.
Learn More (PDF).
Local Government Commission is a
non-partisan membership organization that
provides inspiration, technical assistance, and
networking to local elected officials and other
dedicated community leaders who are working to
create healthy, walkable, and resource-efficient
Energy Report. Launched in August 2008, State & Local Energy
Report is a quarterly magazine designed to share successes and spur
dialogue among all levels of government and key stakeholders on
issues of energy efficiency, policy, technology, and economics. Our
sponsoring organizations are: