Utility Energy Forum 2012
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Utility Energy Forum

Agenda and Presentations (as of May 18, 2012)
Presentations use the Presenter's name as the link, if there's no link we do not have their permission to post.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Visit to Scott Terrell's home in Truckee, Calif. to view energy upgrades
 (RSVP to ethomas@utilityforum.org; space limited)
The Terrell home was upgraded to become a net zero electric home with a 4.8 kW solar PV system supplemented by solar thermal w/72 sq. ft. of panels for water heating. The 95% efficiency gas furnace with new sealed duct system is equipped w/an EC variable speed drive furnace fan motor. Almost all household electric loads exceed Energy Star requirements.  All building performance work was financed through Energy Upgrade California 0% loan.  Scott is Conservation Administrator with Truckee-Donner Public Utility District.  To learn more, click here. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

8:30 am. – 10:00 am
Welcome Lounge

10:00 am - 12:00 pm 
Pre-Forum Workshop for Utility and Government Attendees Only
Session Co-Chairs:  Mary Medeiros McEnroe, Silicon Valley Power and Paul Reid, Azusa Light and Water 

Candid roundtable discussion on topics to include social media.  Tim Staples, CEO of Converge, will be making a brief presentation on the use of celebrities in promoting utility messages through social media.  Converge is a production firm that combines celebrity, new media and  promotion. Over the past five years, Converge has created promotional platforms with over 100 celebrities (including Mariah Carey, Courteney Cox, Shaquille O¹Neal, Miley Cyrus, Cindy Crawford, Usher and Steve Nash) for numerous major brands including Visa, Sprint, LG, Anheuser Busch and HTC.

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Lunch Buffet

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Welcoming Remarks by Joyce Kinnear, City of Palo Alto Utilities

Welcome Keynote Presentation 
It Ain't About Awareness: Moving Mainstream Consumers Towards Energy Efficiency
Suzanne Shelton, Shelton Group

Suzanne SheltonNearly half of Americans who've undertaken energy efficient improvements to their homes haven't seen the savings they expect. In fact, nearly 3/4 of the population say their bills have gone up over the last two years.  So moving them to adopt more energy efficient improvements isn't about educating them that they should do something...it's about overcoming the disappointment and anger that they did what you said and they didn't save any money on their bills. Once you're over that hurdle, it's about following the principals of behavior change:

  1. Awakening them to automatic behaviors so they can make conscious choices
  2. Being prescriptive and specific
  3. Employing social norming techniques (which is a fancy way of saying, "apply peer pressure.")

Suzanne Shelton of Shelton Group, one of the nation's leading ad agencies at motivating mainstream consumers to make more sustainable choices, will share insights from her firm's quarterly polling of Americans, a quick primer on the key principals of behavioral science that utilities can leverage, and specific examples of campaigns that have created results.

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Refreshment Break with Energy Quiz hosted by Efficiency Services Group

3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Policy/Strategic View 
Session Chair: David Maul, Maul Energy Advisors

  • Steve Larson, past Executive Director, California Energy Commission; past Executive Director, California Public Utility Commission; past Deputy Director, California Department Finance
  • Siddhartha Oza, National Resources Defense Council
  • Steven Johnson, Climatemaster
  • Michael Weedall, Senior Advisory, E Source
  • Stacey Crowley, Director, Nevada State Energy Office

4:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Meet the Sponsors and Exhibitors

5:00 p.m.

5:30 am – 6:30 pm
Reception hosted by Resource Action Programs

6:30 pm –8:00 pm
Dinner and Entertainment hosted by RHA

Thursday, May 10, 2012

7:30 am - 8:30 am
Breakfast Buffet

8:30 am – 10:00 am
Customer View 
Session Chairs: Mary Medeiros McEnroe, Silicon Valley Power and Kate Schulenberg, Pacific Gas and Electric Company

  • Rachel Radell, Sacramento Municipal Utility District
  • Toney Snyder, Azusa Pacific University
  • Jon Gonzales, Chief of Plant Operations, Colliers International
  • Porus Antia, Project Manager, Stantec on behalf of National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Anna Klovstad, Project Manager, Facilities Department, Tahoe Truckee Unified School District

10:00 am – 10:30 am 
Refreshment Break with Energy Quiz hosted by Efficiency Services Group

10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Customer View (continued)

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

1:00 am – 1:30 pm
Midway Keynote Presentation
Preview of 2013 California Building Codes and Standards And Beyondbill pennington

Pedro Gomez, Manager – Building Standards Implementation Office, California Energy Commission

Pedro Gomez develops and implements compliance, enforcement, outreach and educational programs for building standards and building retrofit programs in California.  Prior assignments include managing the Energy Technology Systems Integration Program at the California Energy Commission where he managed more than $200 million in energy related R&D projects focused in a variety of technical areas including:  Smart Grid, Transmission, Distribution, Renewable Integration, Demand Response, and Energy Storage.  He has also developed and implemented oversight programs for federally funded job training programs across California.  Pedro Gomez is a graduate of California State University, Sacramento with a Bachelor's degree in Accountancy.

1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Utility Program Snapshots
Session Chairs:  Mary Medeiros McEnroe, Silicon Valley Power and Bruce Ceniceros, Sacramento Municipal Utility District

3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Utility Program Stand-up Challenge with Ice Cream Social 
Session Chair:  Elaine Hebert 
Join us for the craziest round of concurrent sessions ever! Imagine speed dating meets the lightning round of a TV game show! You choose from storyboards detailing utility-sponsored program initiatives or projects. Each storyboard presenter has 5 minutes to share with you the program’s successes and lessons learned. A bell rings, you choose another storyboard, and the 5-minute clock starts again. 

  • The SmartBusiness Program, Theresa Phillips, Lassen Municipal Utility District (LMUD).  The SmartBusiness program addresses energy use of small, hard-to-reach commercial customers by offering a free energy snapshot audit to assess energy savings potential using the DiTrak I-Pad application. Data collected allows precise marketing to customers for two free energy upgrades - lighting and refrigeration.
  • Utilizing "Hybrid" HVAC Units to Permanently Reduce Peak Load, John Burdette III, Trane U.S. Inc.
  • Everybody Loves a "SmartApp": Using the Hot Technology to Promote Energy Efficiency, Brady Fronk, Ron Horstman, Kevon Storie, Gary Hoffman Western Area Power Administration. Young, tech-savvy consumer Brady Fronk investigates a few apps that can help customer save energy, and one that can help electricity professionals save time. Can these tools promote incentives and rebates? Change customers' energy use habits? Ensure equipment performs as promised? You tell us--this is new territory, and we are charting it together!   
  • On Demand Efficiency Program for Multifamily Buildings with Central Water Heaters, Lynn Benningfield, Benningfield Group. The Southern California Gas Company’s On Demand Efficiency (ODE) Program for Multifamily Buildings with Central Water Heaters helps save electricity and gas while keeping tenants in 'hot water'- in a good way.  Instant rebates for the recirculation pump result in no net costs for the building owner. The program utilizes multiple links in the supply chain to keep the participant 'pipeline' full.  The program is transferable to other utilities -- in fact to anywhere there are multifamily buildings with central water heaters.  
  • Lab Homes:  A matched pair of residences for evaluating retrofit and smart technologies to reduce residential energy use,Graham Parker, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Lab Homes (http://labhomes.pnnl.gov/) are 1500 square foot custom factory-built homes located on the PNNL campus to conduct energy research.  The Lab Homes serve as a platform to demonstrate performance of energy-saving technologies.  The homes enable side-by-side testing and comparison of new technologies to determine the impact on energy savings, utility costs, and comfort.  The Baseline Home serves as a control, typifying an average existing home while the Experimental Home is used to test the new technologies.  Both homes are equipped with advanced monitoring systems, allowing measurement of incremental changes in energy and water use, indoor temperature, relative humidity, and other factors, and then compare the measurements to determine a technology’s effectiveness.  Occupancy is simulated in the homes.  
  • Home Performance Contractor Business Models Worth Stealing, Erin McCollum, Electric & Gas Industries Association (EGIA).  Examples of business models and marketing approaches by leading “Home Performance with ENERGY STAR” contractors nationwide based on a national study over 2011 DOE Century Club Award winning contractors.  
  • Transforming over 3,600 residences in Sacramento - Lessons Learned from Energy Upgrade California in Sacramento County, Sophie Hartkopf, Heschong Mahone Group. This poster will explore the largest energy upgrade program in California - the SMUD Home Performance Program.  Over a nine month period, this program retrofitted over 3,600 singe- and multi-family homes, audited 12,000 more, and provided the hard hit construction industry with numerous job opportunities. The result: this program was one of the most successful stimulus-funded efforts in the country and the Sacramento region is on the cutting edge of home performance program implementation. We will discuss the programs successes, challenges, and lessons learned. Finally, we will present a replicable and scalable model for future whole-building multifamily retrofit and home performance programs.
  • Beyond Paper: Using technology to convert to a completely paperless program. Andy Staples, Staples & Associates. This poster session will explore current technologies that allow utilities to go beyond paper by converting their current traditional program to a complete customizable tablet computer-based effort.  The benefits of paperless audits are numerous – efficient data collection, real time data management and immediate program enrollment with on-site customer signature gathering. This poster will address lessons learned in a 2-year rollout process and implementation plans of an actual, real-world paperless program.
  • Get a Messaging Makeover and See Your Contractor Participation Soar, Ioana Anghel, Building Performance Institute.    What’s the secret to driving contractor engagement in program activities? You’ve got five minutes to find out!  Explore BPI's analysis of phrases that brought results in promoting a wide variety of programs across the country. Determine how to capture the attention of your contractor audience and hold their interest all the way to click-throughs. Discover the messaging keywords that lead to higher participation in home energy programs.
  • Home Energy Audit Systems Design: Lessons Learned, Andrew Healy, Earth Advantage. An overview of IT solutions for a wide variety of residential energy auditing implementation models. With eleven programs across seven states, EA has learned that IT solutions must be flexible to fit within the constantly shifting landscape of utility energy efficiency programs. 

Click here for results of First-ever Utility Program Stand-up Challenge AWARDS 

5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Reception hosted by Resource Solutions Group

Kip Yager6:30 pm
Dinner with “Any Port in a Storm” hosted by Staples & Associates
A full-course dinner followed by port wine tasting and the classic rock acoustic guitar stylings and singing of Kip Yager.  Kip Yager, originally from upstate New York, has been playing solo on his 6 & 12 string acoustic guitars in the Tahoe Basin for the last 4 years. Previously, he lived in Colorado for 10 years. His repertoire includes: Beatles, James Taylor, Cat Stevens, Moody Blues, CSNY, and a little bit of country, blues and originals inspired by the Rocky Mountain's laidback life style. Kip's passion for music is his way of connecting with the ones who grew up in the 60's & 70's.

Friday, May 11, 2012

7:30 am - 8:30 am
Breakfast Buffet

8:30 am – 10:00 am
Technology View
Session Chairs: Graham Parker, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Elaine Hebert

10:00 am – 10:30 am
Refreshment Break with Energy Quiz hosted by Efficiency Services Group

10:30 am – 11:30 am
Technology View (continued)

11:30 pm
Late-Breaking News

12:00 pm

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Lunch Buffet


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