Meet the Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

California Energy Commission

Silver Sponsors

Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Western Area Power Administration

Bronze Sponsors

City of Palo Alto

Northern California Power Agency

Sacramento Municipal Utility District

Sierra Pacific Resources

Silicon Valley Power

Hospitality Hosts


TCP Incorporated



Apogee Interactive, Inc.

Beutler Corporation

Blue Line Innovations

Colorado River Storage Project Management Center

Dent Instruments

Electric & Gas Industries Association


Marathon Water Heaters

Modeltech International

National Fenestration Rating Council

Niagara Conservation

Organizational Support Services

Resource Action Programs

Synergy Companies

TCP Incorporated


USA Technologies

U.S. DOE Geopowering the West

U.S. DOE Wind Powering America


To learn how to add your name to this list, click here ( Sponsor-Host-Exhibitor Prospectus

Gold Sponsors

California Energy Commission is the state's primary energy policy and planning agency. Created by the Legislature in 1974 and located in Sacramento, the Commission has five major responsibilities: Forecasting future energy needs and keeping historical energy data; Licensing thermal power plants 50 megawatts or larger; Promoting energy efficiency through appliance and building standards; Developing energy technologies and supporting renewable energy ; and Planning for and directing state response to energy emergency.

Silver Sponsors

Pacific Gas and Electric Company is one of the largest combination natural gas and electric utilities in the United States. The company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation, serves approximately 15 million people in northern and central California.  Pacific Gas and Electric Company is committed to the environment, from clean-air vehicles to the redwood forests.

Western Area Power Administration markets and delivers reliable, cost-based hydroelectric power and related services within a 15-state region of the central and western U.S. We're one of four power marketing administrations within the U.S. Department of Energy whose role is to market and transmit electricity from multi-use water projects. Our transmission system carries electricity from 57 power plants operated by the Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the International Boundary and Water Commission. Together, these plants have an installed capacity of 10,395 megawatts.

Bronze Sponsors

City of Palo Alto Utilities (CPAU) is the only municipal utility in California that operates city-owned utility services that include electric, fiber optic, natural gas, water and wastewater services. Since 1896, CPAU has been providing quality services to the citizens and businesses of Palo Alto.

Northern California Power Agency (NCPA) is a joint powers agency that provides support for the electric utility operations of our 17 member communities and districts in Northern and Central California. We own and operate several power plants that together comprise a 96% emission-free generation portfolio.  NCPA was founded in 1968 as a forum through which community-owned utilities could prevent costly market abuses employed by private utilities at that time, and to make investments to ensure an affordable, reliable and clean future energy supply for the electric ratepayers we serve.

Sacramento Municipal Utility District was founded with the idea that providing electric power to Sacramento was a job best done by a public utility overseen by an elected board of directors.  As the sixth largest publicly owned utility in the country in terms of customers served, our innovative energy programs are known throughout the state, nation and world. SMUD's purpose is to provide solutions for meeting our customers' electrical energy needs. Our vision is to be a leader in customer satisfaction and a positive force in promoting community benefits.

Sierra Pacific Resources is an investor Owned corporation with operating subsidiaries engaged in the utility business. The company's stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol SRP. The company's chief operating subsidiaries are Nevada Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company which serve over one million customers.  Co-sponsors with Sierra Pacific Power. and

Silicon Valley Power works hard to help its customers reach their goals and enjoy brighter lives. We follow a basic set of principles that have served as our core values for over one hundred years: Service, Stability, Reliability and Quality. Today, the people in our organization embody these values, embrace them, and bring them to life. And they're what make Silicon Valley Power Your Hometown Advantage.

Hospitality Hosts

Comverge is a leading Clean Energy company that provides innovative solutions to peak challenges through Demand Response. With over 500 U.S. utility clients and 4.5 million devices installed, Comverge “smart megawatts” technology is widespread and in use across the nation. Our "pay-for-performance" programs provide capacity that can reduce emissions, eliminate line losses, increase reliability, and defer generation and transmission acquisition.  Comverge is hosting  “Any Port in a Storm” dinner and hospitality.

TCP Incorporated is the home of lighting innovation. Driving new ideas for commercial, industrial and residential applications is a way of life here. As the world leader in energy-efficient lighting, no one makes more compact fluorescent lamps than we do. We offer one of the largest selections of ENERGY STAR-approved products and we distribute them throughout North America and abroad. Our product line includes compact fluorescent lamps, cold cathode, linear and high bay systems, exit and emergency lighting, HID, energy-efficient fixtures, and LED lighting products.


Apogee Interactive, Inc. provides Web-based applications and services to utilities for energy efficiency, demand response, and customer care.  We have hundreds of utility clients of our energy use calculators and online content for commercial and residential customers. APOGEE also provides demand trading platforms and online energy courses for utility professionals.

Beutler Corporation is the largest heating and air conditioning company in the United States with four locations throughout Northern California.  For 60 years, Beutler has set the standard as an innovative industry leader that has developed several patented products and comfort solutions to benefit their customers.  Serving 300,000 customers in Northern California from Chico to Stockton, the Central Valley and East Bay, Beutler only offers products that are energy efficient, environmentally focused and support new green technology.

Blue Line Innovations is a leader in the creation of real-time energy feedback technologies that deliver superior value to clients and have a positive impact on the environment.  As unobtrusive as a small electric clock, the PowerCost Monitor™ is a powerful real-time direct feedback display device for domestic energy consumers. It tells them at a glance, in real-time, how much electricity their home is using in dollars and cents and in kW.

Colorado River Storage Project Management Center (CRSP) markets power from the Colorado River Storage, Collbran and Rio Grande projects (marketed together as Salt Lake City Area Integrated Projects), the Provo River Project in Utah, and the Falcon/Amistad Project in Texas. Transmission service is provided on transmission facilities in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Texas and Wyoming.    Western Area Power Administration markets and delivers reliable, cost-based hydroelectric power and related services within a 15-state region of the central and western U.S. 

Dent Instruments designs and manufactures data loggers and energy recorders for today's energy professionals. Our products are often the first step in developing strong energy strategies, for maintaining peak operations, and for lowering operating costs. For over 17 years, our company has built a reputation for providing instruments of the highest quality whose robust design, small size and remote data acquisition make them the loggers of choice for companies large and small.

Electric & Gas Industries Association (EGIA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions through a nationwide network of contractors, distributors, manufacturers and utility partners. As a leading provider of resource efficiency services and energy efficiency program administration for utility companies and water agencies, EGIA also provides the home improvement industry, utility companies and state agencies with comprehensive consumer energy efficiency and solar financing solutions and has administered some of the nation’s largest utility and state sponsored energy efficiency financing programs.

Honeywell  has more than 115 years experience building and optimizing facilities across the globe.  Recognized as a global leader in energy management technology and services, Honeywell solutions help buildings reduce their carbon footprint through improved energy efficiency and sustainable design.   Honeywell, a trusted partner in energy efficiency and facilities optimization.

Marathon Water Heaters is a manufacturer of non-metallic, lifetime warranty, thermal-storage electric water heaters with the highest efficiency ratings in the industry. Marathon has active programs with over 250 distribution and G&T cooperatives across the country. 

Modeltech International is a manufacturer of 3-D educational simulators used for Energy & Safety Education. Excellent tools that can be adapted to appeal to children and adults, showing them how a few actions can reduce both accident & power consumption.

The National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) is a nonprofit public-interest organization that provides energy rating information on windows, doors, skylights and curtain walls systems.  In addition to publishing consensus standards for determining fenestration ratings,  NFRC also administers an independent certification and labeling program to assure product performance.   For more information, please see our website at

Niagara Conservation, headquartered in Cedar Knolls, New Jersey with satellite offices around the world, is the only company in the world that manufactures efficiency products and administers turnkey programs.  Niagara Conservation features an extensive product line of conservation hardware, supplemented by complete programming solutions and services for water, electric and gas utilities, as well as state and local government agencies.

Organizational Support Services is a turnkey resource for incentive programs, event management and sales promotions serving corporate America from our base in Southern California.  We have been in the energy services business  since 1990 and have achieved exceptional program results for our energy services clients. We offer the most complete, dynamic and professional suite of services in the industry.  For more information, please visit our website at

Resource Action Programs® (RAP) design and implement water and energy efficiency solutions by combining education, quality products, and implementation services. Each program is designed to generate immediate and long term resource savings. With a variety of marketing strategies, RAP can target an audience with the knowledge and tools for change. Sponsors can choose from RAP’s portfolio of pre-designed programs, including LivingWise® and WaterWise™, or work with our team to design a custom program that can meet specific requirements.

Synergy Companies' Energy Management Division serves the investor-owned utilities community (PG&E, SCE, SCG and SDG&E), as well as other municipal and local power companies.  Synergy is a fully qualified contractor who works with you and your utility company to provide cost effective energy efficiency measures to residential and non-residential markets, and works to create energy-efficient homes, offices, commercial properties and a more secure energy future for California and the Nation. 

TCP Inc. is the global leader in energy efficient lighting innovations dedicated to creating high-quality products that are better for the environment.  Headquartered outside Cleveland, Ohio, TCP markets a variety of energy efficient lighting brands for commercial, industrial, and residential applications, including compact fluorescent lamps, cold cathode, LED, and linear lighting solutions. For more information, visit

3Degrees provides customized, global climate change solutions to North American businesses, utilities and institutions. The company engages customers to develop, execute, and communicate sustainability strategies that add value to their brand. Its expertise in sourcing, diligencing, and commercializing verified carbon offsets and certified renewable energy certificates enables customers to reduce their carbon footprint and investors to identify high-quality carbon reduction projects.

USA Technologies' VendingMiser® reduces beverage vending machine electricity use by up to 46% and can help existing machines perform to ENERGY STAR® specification levels.  Other EnergyMiser® products with similar savings: VM2iQ® for vending machines; CoolerMiser™ and CM2iQ® for glass-front coolers; SnackMiser™ for snack machines; and PlugMiser™ for plug-in equipment such as task lights, space heaters and more. Many utility rebates available.  EnergyMiser® Efficiency Products, USA Technologies, 100 Deerfield Lane, Suite 140, Malvern, PA 19355; 888.521.6982; GSA Contractor GS-35F-0031R;

U.S. DOE Geopowering the West (GPW) initiative identifies geothermal opportunities and facilitates the development and deployment of geothermal technologies. While primarily focused on the geothermal resource rich western states, GPW supports deployment, market transformation and technology diffusion throughout the nation.  The GPW initiative has developed technical assistance and outreach activities in partnership with state energy offices, utilities, other federal agencies, tribal governments, and geothermal industrial stakeholders

U.S. DOE Wind Powering America is a commitment to dramatically increase the use of wind energy in the United States. This initiative will establish new sources of income for American farmers, Native Americans, and other rural landowners, and meet the growing demand for clean sources of electricity.   Through Wind Powering America, the United States will achieve targeted regional economic development, enhance our power generation options, protect the local environment, and increase our energy and national security.